Friday, May 29, 2009

Please Help!!!

I am really trying to relocate out of Cleveland this year, just because I'm starting to feel like it sucks! I would like to still stay in Ohio (preferably Cincy or Cols.), but I am so clueless as to where I should start! Could someone please offer any advice, tips, etc. that would help me to be successful in my relocation?

Thank you,


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So, I woke up this morning to a chilly 46 degrees outside. This is the complete opposite of the weather yesterday morning, which was a nice, breezy 71 degrees. What happened to the days of sun and fun? Oh well, I guess that's what happens when you live in Cleveland, which is even more of a reason for me to want to relocate.

So I thought about my goals as far a fashion goes. I like to think of myself of fashion savvy, but I need the clothes to prove it! However, I'm such a penny pincher so I refuse to spend a bunch of money on a frivolous wardrobe. To top that off, I have just started a career in the 'Corporate World' so my wardrobe has to take on a totally professional vibe. So the goal I'm starting to work on is how to look professional without looking drab.

Any tips or pointers would help me tremendously. Pics will be coming soon to show my progress.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Graduation Tomorrow!!!

So, my fiance is walking the stage tomorrow as a candidate for his Masters in Management. I have to say that I'm a little more nervous than he is! I already have my ensemble put together and I'm ready to get this show on the road. Aarrgh!!! I'm so excited. I wish I could get him to be a little more enthused!

Anyway, I'm taking the camera, so I'll place some pics up hopefully this weekend! ;)



Good Morning!!!

Hello all. I am new to the world of blogging, but I've decided to join the rest of the world and chronicle the story that is my life. Well, besides just turning 26 less than two weeks ago, and starting a new career, I have nothing new to say right now.

Hopefully, I'll be more interesting later...
